Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On the Radio

Since late January, Will has been going to school every Tuesday at 7:00a to practice with the 4th grade choir for 45 minutes before classes begin. Their Spring choral presentation was a musical number that required quite a bit of practice.

By mid-March, the 4th grade choir joined the 5th grade choir for joint rehearsals. They practiced every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Finally on April 29th, we got to see the finished product.

Parents & students crowded into the cafe/auditorium for a history of radio music presented by KYDZ Radio.

Here is a picture of the entire stage from my viewpoint. There were tons of kids in this production. Some had speaking or dancing parts.

Jacob was sitting down front so the video is filmed from a "Will-cam" point-of-view. Some of the microphones were malfunctioning so I edited out the portions where the dialogue isn't audible. Will worked really hard on this project and we're very proud of him.

Part One

Part Two